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Small Changes in Teaching Big Results in Learning – Videos

Videos to support the John F. Fanselow's book:

Small Changes in Teaching Big Results in Learning

1 Description of Videos ES

2 Oral Reading

3 Read and Look Up

4 Read and Look Up Pointing

5 Read and Look Up Chanting

6 Read and Look Up Mistakes Writing

7 Incomplete or Complete Information

8 Self Reliance Now I Learned How to Do It

9 Students Writing Teachers Questions

10 Touch Typing

11 Redundancy - Nothing, Not and Rather

12 Learning as Discovery Dismounted

13 School Knowledge World Knowledge

14 The Richness of Images Sketches for Creating Language

15 Using Icons Images for Generating Language

16 Transcribing

17 Some Ways to Group Discussions

18 Some More Ways to Group Discussions

19 Obsession with Tests

20 Alternatives to Pre-Reading Language Activities

21 Alternatives to Pre-Reading Language Activities

22 Alternative to Post-Reading Activities

23 Alternatives to Vocabulary Cards

24 Flawed English Flawed Thinking

25 Alternatives to Tests and Grading

26 Gestures Count for Nothing

27 Conversations about Part 2 Chapter 9 Analyzing

28 Moving Beyond the Headache Stage of Coding

29 From Uyo to Tokyo

Content © iTDi TESOL. All rights reserved.

I use the word transcribe, or some variation of it—transcribing, transcribed, etc.—close to 100 times in the text of Small Changes in Teaching. I use small changes around 60 times, excluding the number of times these words are used at the top of pages to indicate the title of the book.

No other word comes close in frequency to transcribe. Analyzing, another theme of the book, I use only 14 times, experiment 19 times. 

So why not follow my own advice? 

Well, as Gregory Bateson reminds us, “The obvious is often difficult to see.” (Mentioned 4 times.) 

And I was so excited about achieving a dream I had had for decades to produce videos illustrating students doing activities I advocated that I did not notice that some of the audio was difficult to follow until some teachers who were using the book pointed this obvious fact out to me.

So thanks to those who used the videos and pointed out how difficult the teachers they worked with found the audio. I am eternally grateful. As you know, I advocate the integration of the 4 skills, plus the often ignored, the 5 th skill: emotion.

So now, Small Changes in Teaching is available in print, digital format, an audio book, videos and transcriptions of the videos. I am grateful to editors of TEFLology for suggesting an audiobook as well as posting many of the chapters on their podcast. 

I remind you all to ask your students to comment on what you do. In my case, I have been blessed because those who have experienced workshops with me or some version of Small Changes have suggested alternatives without my asking. A very touching experience.

Enjoy, enjoy.
