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Great Minds in Language Education with Kevin Ryan


Many of us are familiar with a general outline of Task-Based Language Teaching but may feel a nebulous hold on some of the specific tenets. A few of us are ready to take a deep dive to learn exactly what it is and how it works.
Fortunately, we have just such a vehicle to make that dive, a new text by some of the leaders in the field: Task-Based Language Teaching: Theory and Practice. This is a comprehensive overview of the research that has brought TBLT to the world and to most language teacher training programs.This is an inclusive view of TBLT, with room for contrary and controversial viewpoints.
Join Kevin Ryan in exploring Task-Based Language Teaching from a variety of viewpoints, with an eye to applications in syllabus design and methodology.

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Due to the level of personal interaction between course members and instructor, we will only offer one level of certification for this course.

iTDi Great Minds Educator Certificate

US $300

During the 8-week course, your team will co-construct a significant and memorable learning experience in a trusting and respectful, private community. There will be a core text, 8 weekly live online sessions, and lifetime access to an online discussion forum.

Specifically, participants can expect:

    Deep & focused pedagogical exploration (feature), leading to a thorough understanding of each issue and its application (benefit).
    Eight weekly Zoom sessions live, with recordings for you to review or catch up.
    Thoroughly interactive forum for course members within iTDi’s safe and renowned community.
    Meaningful professional networking, leading to future collaborations on research projects, writing, or even in facilitating a GMILE course of your own!

Improve your thinking, improve your teaching and become a greater mind.

iTDi can provide receipts for your university upon request.

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