You might wonder how it is possible for you to experience the same process of exploration as the teachers in that room. In one way, it is not possible because a recording is much different than a live discussion. However, you can follow along and put yourself in the room by identifying what you regularly do, answering the same questions, and challenging your own thinking. Read the articles I have shared. Read each chat transcript. Watch the sessions with a notebook where you can add your own ideas to the discussion. You
will discover alternative ways to teach grammar and vocabulary that you had never considered. By doing so, you can make this course is an experience in which you explore the rules you presently follow the day-to-day activities you use to teach grammar and vocabulary and then turn the day-to-day activities upside down and inside out.
Get your professional development certified with iTDi
In this course, you will read articles recommended by the instructor, watch four recorded sessions, and answer four discussion questions. (This is not a live course.) If you would like to receive a Certificate of Completion verifying 20 hours of professional development credit, email your answers to these questions in a separate word document to
su*****@iT**.pro for evaluation. In the body of your document, please include your name as you wish it to appear on your certificate, your email address, and the name of course you have completed.
Take this courseAbout John F. Fanselow:
John became involved in ESOL by becoming a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Africa. Upon completion of Ph.D. at Columbia University, Teachers College, he joined the faculty. At Teachers College, his main interest was observation and analysis of interactions, both inside and outside of classrooms. "Beyond Rashomon" and "Let's see", two of his seminal articles in the TESOL Quarterly, have been reprinted in many anthologies. "Beyond Rashomon" was the basis of
Breaking Rules (Longman, 1987) and "Let's See" was the basis of
Contrasting Conversations (Longman, 1992, reprinted 2010).
Try the Opposite (SIMUL, 1992, reprinted 2010) grew out of his work with teachers in Japan. He was president of International Pacific College in NZ for 8 years where he introduced recording and analyzing classroom interaction that has not been done in a systematic way in any other tertiary institution in the world. John has been active professionally, serving as president of TESOL International and president of New York TESOL. John is now an emeritus professor at Columbia University Teacher College, and a visiting professor at Kanda University of International Studies in Tokyo. John's newest book,
Small Changes in Teaching Big Results in Learning, Is available as a Kindle or iBook download from
iTDi TESOL Online. The
Kindle and
Print editions are also available from
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