Student Voices Issue

On-line surveys, direct interviews, and even guest posts on our teaching blogs, there are more ways to listen to our students than ever before. If we do take the time to find out what our students think about learning and teaching, what do they have to say? What lessons do they have for us as teachers? In this issue, Marisa Pavan, Theodora Papapanagiotou, and Kevin Stein ask their students to share their ideas about teaching. In doing so we hope to help start a conversation in which the authentic voice of students helps to influence what we do in our classrooms. And we invite you join in and be part of the dialogue.

Marisa PavanThe Crux of the Process
Theodora PapapanagiotouOne Student’s Voice 
Kevin Stein Coffee, a student’s voice, and inspiration

Who we work with (the Coworker Issue)

When we step into a classroom, we are often entirely alone with our students. This feeling of responsibility and even isolation can be one of the hardest parts of being a teacher. But before we enter the classroom, we have the chance to connect up with teachers inside and even outside of our work place. Our coworkers help us to carry and examine our teaching experiences outside of the four walls of the classroom. In this issue, Michael Griffin and first time iTDi bloggers Laura Adele Soracco and Angelos Bollas, share stories and thoughts on coworkers, the people we work with, the people who sometimes help us become the teachers we are meant to be.


Assessment is…

Assessment is no longer, if it ever truly was, paper and pencil tests focused on language knowledge. From oral interviews, open ended questions, portfolio work, and student generated exams, assessment has grown to better meet the needs of individual language learners in specific contexts. And yet, assessment is still filled with stories of heartbreak and missed opportunities. In this issue, iTDi members carry on the discussion of what assessment often is, what it can be, and where it might be moving.

The ‘Why’ of Testing by Kevin Stein
Naomi EpsteinAssessment is Sometimes Heartbreak
Dave DodgsonReassessing assessment

Outside Influences Issue

Teachers learn about teaching from teachers. But teachers can be found in so many places, many of them far away from a traditional classroom. In this issue of the iTDi blog, the ‘Outside Influences’ issue, we learn about the people outside of ELT who have helped iTDi members on their journeys to become the teachers they are now.
Kevin SteinHow to Change a Life by Kevin Stein
Josette LeBlancAn Outside Influence from Within My Family by Josette LeBlanc
Syke A.K. portraitWalking with K.T. Mohandas by Syke A.K.
Chuck SandyUnleash the Superpowers by Chuck Sandy

Learners as People First

As language teachers, our first job is to teach English. Or is it? Does being a good teacher sometimes mean putting aside a focus on English learning? Kevin Stein is joined by first time bloggers Naoko Amano and Aline Dyna as they share stories of seeing their students with needs beyond just developing language skills in the classroom.
Kevin SteinPutting People First by Kevin Stein
Aline DynaThe Power of Books: Empowering underprivileged students by Aline Dyna
Naoko Amano
A Perfect Boy by Naoko Amano